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In Kirby64, our lovable pink friend has many different attacks. How do preform these attacks. Well you absorb an enemies power. Combine different powers to prform different attacks. The main powers are:
B=Burn S=Stone I=Ice N=Needle B=Bomb K=Spark C=Cutter
Combined Attacks are:
- F+F = Kirby transforms into a fireball
- F+B = Fireworks will shoot out of Kirby. Press B rapidly to increase this pyrotechnic disaster
- F+K = Hold B and Kirby will be on fire
- F+C = Use B to swing Kirby's fire sword
- F+S = Fireballs will erupt from Kirby's head
- F+I = A thick mist covers Kirby but he freazes in the process
- F+N = Kirby can shoot fire arrows
- S+I = Kirby, as a stone, will slide and freeze foes in his path
- S+N = A drill will appear on Kirby's head. Hold B to charge
- S+ B = Kirby can throw dynamite
- S+K = Kirby has an electricfied boulder on a line
- S+C = Transforms Kirby into a Rock creature
- I+I = Kirby transforms into a large snowball
- I+N = Ice spears stick out of kirby
- I+B = Kirby transorms into a snowbomb
- I+K = Kirby will become a fridge. You'll spit out health replenishing items. Hit B to turn back into Kirby
- I+C = Kirby will be on skates. Hit a to skate or stop, hit B to check
- N+N = Needles stick out of Kirby
- N+B = Basicly Kirby is a bomb with needles on it
- N+S = Kirby can zap enemies above and beside him
- N+C = Kirby has big spiked arms. Hold B to open then release to clap down on enemies
- B+B = Kirby can shoot 3 missals from his mouth
- B+K = Allows Kirby to hurt enemies just by walking near them
- B+C = Kirby has a exploding throwing star
- K+S = An electric force field will form around Kirby
- K+C = Kirby has a two-sided light sabar
- C+C = Kirby is armed with a rather large bladed boomerang
There you have it all of Kirby's attacks!