Welcome N64 Gamers! Chicken Boy is a website devoted to bringing you on the spot information on all new games for N64. Useing our many resource we bring lots of snapshots, articals, and information on how to beat your favorite game!
Mario Tennis64-
Lately you might of heard something about Mario Tennis. So did I, but I was too lazy to report on it. So here you go. Mario Tennis, is well of course a tennis game, with 16 characters from nintendo. Including a brand new character called Waluigi. Waluigi is Wario's little brother. Waluigi is the same age as Luigi and seems to want to crush him.
All characters have different strengths and weaknesses. So it will take some time before you find a player that suits your needs. I also read one of the characters is a Boo! The game can be played with 1-4 players. Either you an a friend can duel it out in a match or you and 3 friends can duel it out in a match(2 on 2). Or if you want to test your aim you can enter into the Ring Shot mode which you try to hit the ball through as many rings as possible.
The game allows you overhead smashes, lobs, cross-court shots, and passing shots. According to Nintendo, it is almost impossible to hit the ball out of bounds. You either play front or back-court(you hit the ball toward the TV screen). I wondering how easy is it to se yourself back there?
Well this game looks cool, and so does just about every other game I review. The game is coming out in the fall, so quick go buy your tennis shoes!