Mario Tennis Roster-

Its a Me! Mario! And I'm on the Mario Tennis Roster!

Lugia makes yet another appearance.

Hi I'm Baby Mario and I'm really fast!

Yoshi!! Aren't you in enough games already!

Hmmmm? I don't know her name, but she might be related to Yoshi?

I always pitured Peach playing Tennis.

I don't know her name.

It's Toad!

This is Walugia, Warios little brother.

Believe it or not I don't know this dude's name. I need to play more Mario 64!

Hello DK its nice to see you!

He's big! He's Scary! He's Bowser!

He Wario! Your little brother is taller than you!

I know his name!!!! AHHHH!

Now what kind of Koopa is this?

Its.... a..... Boo?