Welcome N64 Gamers! Chicken Boy is a website devoted to bringing you on the spot information on all new games for N64. Useing our many resource we bring lots of snapshots, articals, and information on how to beat your favorite game!
I can Explain - The reason I haven't updated since last Sunday was because for on thing I went on Vacation the next day and for another this, it seems the phone company is on strike so it took some time to get the phones to work. THats pretty much it. No I have no update! its 8:26pm you think thats what I want to do!
Vacation - Well, I going to be on vacation till friday so I won't be updating(no theres no nereby computer! I'm going camping!). But be sure to sign up for Camp Hyrule this 7th. Sadly I won't be joining you so have fun... sniff! without me!!!!!!!!!
Space World 2000 - There is yet another NP Newsletter contest. This contest will be for a(I'm waiting for the page to load.... no, really I am!) Warlocked Game Pak for GameBoy Color. To sign up for the newsletter and have a chance of winning a Warlocked Game Pak Click Here. I just read that a while ago Nintendo shipped there 100,000,000th GameBoy. Now onto Space World 2000. What is it about well it is the time of year when Nintendo lets us see a preview of all the new titles coming out in 2000. Click Here to see the list. The event will be in Japan(pack your bags Yanks) on Aug. 25-27.
Sorry! - I don't know where my mind has been latly but I'm back. Today I have lots of snapshots. I have snapshots from Mario Tennis, Paper Mario, and last, but not least Excite Bike 64. I have also compiled a list with pictures of the roster for Mario Tennis. Unfortunately, I don't know some of the names of the characters(yes I know thats Mario!).
Army Men - I wrote an Artical about Army Men: Air Combat. I going to try to figure out more things to update on so stay tuned.
Stunt Racer 64 - I wrote an Artical about Stunt Racer 64. I got to go so bye!
Zelda: Majora's Mask - Today I have a lot of Snapshots from Zelda: Majora's Mask. I also have some Official Art from the game too. So enjoy the pictures and hopefully I'll have some walkthroughs soon.
Paper Mario - I have a small Artical about Paper Mario. That's about it so have nice day!
Nothing64 - I can't find a single thing to update on. Hopefully tommorow I'll have some screenshots from some new games, but nothing is definate.
Mario Tennis - I wrote an Artical about Mario Tennis64. I just read that the name "After Dark" was patented. So could this be a perfect dark sequal? You be the judge!
Scooby Doo! - Scooby Doo is coming to N64 to solve some mysteries. I have very little info other than this Artical. So see tommorow, I Hope!
Mega Man64 - Well today I have a little iformation on Mega Man64. The Artical is about the characters in the game. In unrelated news, it seems there is going to be a new Zelda gam for GBC. I saw this in the upcoming game list in Nintendo Power. The game is called The Legend of Zelda: Triforce Series. You may have herd something called the The Mysteries Acorn being released for gameboy, but you can see for yourself in Nintendo Power, there is no game by that title being released. Unless the Triforce Series is that game.
Kirby64 - As most of you know a Kirby game is going to be released for N64. And if any of you saw the commercial for Kirby64, you probaly saw some of his new attacks. After writting this Attack Chart I think even I'll get it(I'm kind of an anti Kirby guy till now). Enjoy and I must say Harry Potter IV is a must bye!
Banjo-Tooie - Welcome to the Grand Opening of Chicken Boy. At the present time there is nothing at this site. What I'm going to do is any new game that comes out for N64 I'm going to bring as much info as possible for. I will report on games before they are released. I wrote and article about an upcoming sequel to Banjo-Kazooie. So enjoy.
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